External Widgets - Feedback & Support From Website

UseResponse provides several types of external widgets that could be embedded on any page of your website or application by inserting the code generated by the system.

Embeddable widgets can be created in Administration » Support Channels » New » Widget where you can customize the interface, define widgets behavior and customize the tab.

In order to use several widgets with different settings and integrate them in different locations of website or application, you need to use profiles. Just create new profile, select look and feel of the widget, copy the code and save the profile. Switch between profiles to change widget settings even after you've pasted the widget code on the page.

Note Please refer to Live Chat Widget article for details on how to use and setup live chat solution

Support Center Widget

Support Center widget includes feedback submission form and contact us form. Implement both or one of the forms depending on your use case by using widgets profiles.

Support Center widget has 4 modes of implementation:

  • Full Screen - when clicking link or widget, feedback/contact us form would be opened in full screen mobile friendly mode;
  • Embedded - you can embed the contact us or feedback form on any page of your website or even inside any block on the page and it would take the size of this box;
  • Pop-Up  - widget would be opened in popup window of specific size;
  • Widget - widget would be opened at the bottom of the page in compact view and mobile-friendly interface.

The general workflow of the widget includes passing the self-service step where the user is offered to see similar requests or articles from knowledge base on idea or ticket submission. 

User interface also includes side navigation right inside widget to get to the main areas of your public community. When community is private, users would still see the advises on similar topics and articles on topics submission but sidebar would not be active.

In order for the form to be seamlessly integrated into your website, you can use color schemes and do Preview of the widget on the management page.

For custom use case add custom fields in widget that could be managed in Administration » Custom Fields. 

Knowledge Base Widget

If you want to use articles or documentation right inside your website without the ability for the user to go to your help center, just set up Knowledge Base Widget in Administration » Support Channels » New » Widget.

Embed specific articles right inside widget from the category or trigger widget with just one article or FAQ inside. To make several implementations of widgets on different pages, please use Profiles. Each profile can have own widget settings and own code to implement.

Implement on Website & Access Widget

In order to customize tab that you would like to be seen by users on pages of your website, go to Administration » Support Channels » Widget, edit the necessary widget and click the Customize Tab button. You would be able to set widget color, text, type and location.

Once widget and tab is customized, preview it, take the widget code provided, and add it to the required place of website if you are embedding it, or before closing html tag if you are using other modes.

You can use widgets right on your community pages by clicking "External Scripts" in the Menu where you can put the code of Support Center or Knowledge Base widgets.

Authentication in Support Center Widget

Once your client is logged in your website, you can transfer user's data into UseResponse. In order to pass important visitor's information from your site (names, emails, addresses etc.) please paste the following script on the page of your website where widget code is located. This script should deliver any user's data you want to send to UseResponse instance.

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function () {
            userEmail : 'userwidget@test.com',
            userName  : 'Brian C.',
            properties: {
                property_170: 'https://help.useresponse.com/',
                property_172: '188',
                property_245: '247|246|252',
                property_202: '2018-12-25',


roperty_172 from script example is user's field id that can be taken from Administration » Custom Fields » Users or if you want to transfer other custom user fields of checkbox or date types;

188 is value of a custom field.

To find out the value of a custom field, please use Inspector tool in your browser.

When you finish the set up, you will be able to grab their data from your database and show that information on user profile page in UseResponse.

Custom URL to Open Widget

In order to open widget with the link on your website, instead of tab provided, you can use following guide:

  • Add widget code generated in your widget profile to your web page;
  • Add "ursdk-viewport-maximize" attribute with the proper widget id to any HTML element by clicking on which you are going to open the widget. Example:
<p>Feel free to <span ursdk-viewport-maximize="6"> contact our support </span></p>

In this case you trigger widget by clicking "contact our support" link.

  • Optionally you may hide default widget tab on the page using the required option by clicking the Customize button on your widget profile.

To trigger the widget on the page, you can use both tab provided and custom link.

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