Getting Feedback Right in Intercom Messenger

UseResponse provides the ability to get feedback from your customers right from the Intercom messenger.

The feedback button appears on the home screen of the intercom messenger and the customer just submits feedback form right inside the widget. Customers will require to enter their email in order to submit it.

How to Install UseResponse App in Intercom?

By default. you don't need to do anything inside UseResponse in order for this feature to work, but you will need to perform the following steps to add the "Share Feedback" button to the Intercom messenger:

  1. Go to the Messenger section of your intercom account;
  2. Select "Add Messenger home apps";
  3. Click "Add an app" and search for the "UseResponse Feedback" application;
  4. Enter the Site URL of your UseResponse installation and click "Configure" button;
  5. Make the same actions by switching to the "Users" tab;
  6. Then Save and set it live to see in the widget.

Now you have the Share Feedback button on the home screen of your Intercom messenger.

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