WhatsApp Business API - Official

WhatsApp is the number one messenger in coverage in the world but only a limited number of businesses have access to official API. But for UseResponse team it's not an issue, so we have made the integration of WhatsApp along with other messengers

WhatsApp integration is turned on manually for specific businesses, as billing is separate for this integration.


  • Install official wabiz docker container on your server via this instruction. You can also find example of docker-compose.yml in attachments. 
  • Generate your own password and insert in "nodes" group of chat service config with key "waBizPassword". (You don't need to delete other params in this section). For example:
  • Also in this section you need to check param "webHookUrl". It should be with value

You should replace only address of your chat service.

  • In database of chat service find table `ch_whatsapp_servers` and insert row with params: accound_id - 0, url - address of your docker container, by default container is running on port 9090, you can check port with commands "ps".
  • In your useresponse config you need to add section:
'features' => [
    'whatsapp_official' => true,
  • In Administration -> Support channels add whatsapp account. 
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