Enterprise Package for Cloud / Self-Hosted

Apart from the core features and solutions in Cloud/Self-Hosted plan like Feedback, Help Desk with Live Chat and Knowledge Base, you can extend your system with applications that will bring new features onboard by upgrading to the Enterprise plan.

Since 2021 we have deprecated basic package, so now all features are included in the package

All applications can be managed in Administration » Applications. Please refer to the article for a better understanding of  applications in UseResponse.

On trial account activation, you get access to all extra features (applications) except for Branding Removal and WhatsApp integration. 

If you purchase a basic license on trial expiration, all enterprise applications will be automatically disabled.

Details about available applications could be found on the Pricing page


This feature allows you to organize several forums for different teams in the company, separate products or multilingual platforms. You can create several communities and customize home screen and widget for each of the community.

Multilingual Knowledge Base

In order to use the multilingual knowledge base, you would need to create a forum for each language you plan to use. Assign the article to the specific forum and connect articles between each other so users can switch from one language to another. More details could be found in the  multilingual support guide.

Visibility of Users' Requests

Distribute  visibility of tickets and chat conversations among your support agents and setup automation rules to handle user requests by specific departments in the company.

Visibility is handled by agents' teams in Menu » Users, so each team can see a specific area of the system based on the following visibility levels:

  • No Access;
  • Where Responsible;
  • Within Selected Teams;
  • All Tickets + All Chats.

Satisfaction Rating

Customer satisfaction rating (CSAT) indicates how well your company meets your customer's expectations. This metric helps your business to identify weaknesses in your support process and allows your company to improve team performance.

There are 3 types of the rating scale you may use for measuring customers' experience:

  • 2-point scale (Yes/No);
  • 5-point scale where 4-5 points indicate that customer is satisfied with your service;
  • 10-point scale - where 7-10 points mean the high level of user experience.

Extended Analytics

There are about 15 metrics for different purposes for evaluating team performance, trends, etc.

Here are the top metrics you can find there:

  • First Reply Time, Resolution Time, Agent Touches, SLA Breaches, CSAT;
  • Top Contributors, Top Voters, Trend in Votes, Most Voted Topics, etc;
  • Top Searches, Most Clicked Article, Search Success Rate.

A more detailed metrics description could be found in our knowledge base.

Smart Assignments

All incoming requests can be distributed automatically among all agents in the company or in a certain department.

We have several options to set automatic request routing between available agents:

  • Round Robin to assign requests one by one based on the agent turn;
  • Based on Agent Workload;
  • Assignment of Selected Agent or ticket routing between several agents from different departments.

Here is the article about Smart Assignments in UseResponse.

SLA Management

SLA rules help you prioritize one customer over others by providing him quicker support and set your support agents targets on ticket resolution or reply time.

Create several SLA rules and assign them to users or users' teams. Default SLA rule is assigned to all users if other is not specified.

You can also use the SLA timing column in Menu » Inbox to show if you are within SLA or not.

Branding Removal

Remove our company logos from the bottom of every page of your website and from all email notifications in the system.

Single Sign-On LDAP / SAML

When you require more extended method than  One Login method provided by default, you can use either LDAPSAML or specific instructions for SAML with ADFS to authenticate your company users from other applications in UseResponse.

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