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Getting Feedback with Pop-up/Embedded Widgets

UseResponse allows collecting feedback and private requests not just from the support center but right from your website or application. This option allows users to find solutions or share their thoughts without even knowing support email or feedback portal location.

To configure "Support Center" widget, go to Administration » Support Channels » Widget, set up the required parameters for your tab, settings of the pop-up or embedded form, choose color pallet and copy the widget code.

Paste the code on the pages where you'd like it to be seen. It could be the exact place of your website if you choose it to be embedded, or any location between your HTML pages. The widget will automatically adapt to the resolution along with a mobile-friendly interface.

There is also an option to add  Live Chat widget on any page, where you want users to get instant support.

Convert Emails into Tickets

To get all inbound requests into one system, you need to set up the outgoing mailbox, incoming mailbox or email forwarding and ticket rules for notifications.
All mailing options are available in Administration » Support Channels » Email and Administration » Support Channels » Help Desk.

Outgoing Mailbox

In the cloud version, you have a standard outgoing mailbox such as You can change it to your own email account. Make sure that outgoing and incoming mailboxes are the same to convert emails into tickets.

In the self-hosted package, you can leave "Native" connection and just add custom mailbox name of your domain where UseResponse is installed

Incoming Mailboxes / Email Forwarding

By default, in the ?loud version, you have a mailbox for email forwarding like You can set up any of your corporate emails or emails of your agents to forward to this mailbox. Later, you'll define who will receive notifications in ticket rules.  Here is how you can set up a forwarding rule in GMAIL.

With the self-Hosted package, you'll need to add a POP/IMAP mailbox that should be exactly the same as the outgoing mailbox. Other mailboxes could be any of your agents' corporate emails.


You can use your  own outgoing and incoming mailboxes and  set up SPF record to send emails properly

Reply to Comments via Emails

When all mailboxes are set up correctly, all emails that will come to your incoming mailboxes would be converted into replies, if they should be posted as comments or in tickets according to the ticket rules.

In the cloud version, it works by default. In self-hosted version, you'll be notified about issues in the agents bar with further instructions in the administration area.

Agents Notifications & Subscriptions

Notifications in the system are simple to understand - any user/agent/admin that is subscribed to a specific topic/ticket/announcement will receive all notifications of discussions on that object that is within visibility options.

Agents always see private objects - knowledge base articles, tickets, FAQs. 

There are several ways to subscribe or unsubscribe from a specific object:

  • By clicking on relative links on objects page by a user;
  • While submitting the request, the user is automatically subscribed;
  • While posting request from the name of the user by agent, this user is also automatically subscribed;
  • On adding comment;
  • The agent can select subscribers from the list of agents on "New Topic/Ticket" forms. This way, notification rules set in the Admin area would be with lower priority;
  • By sharing ticket to other users and clicking on Subscribe;
  • Agents can see the list of subscribers in Options of the object.

Here is more detail about  Subscriptions in UseResponse.

Automation of Notifications

You can automate the system to notify only required agents based on the specific conditions. 

Feedback Notifications

Notifications on all incoming ideas, questions, problems could be set up based on a number of conditions starting from a category, custom fields and ending with requester information. In Administration » Automation & Notifications you have to choose event type, conditions and following notification actions:

  • Don't notify - the agent will never receive a notification on this object unless he is subscribed manually;
  • Notify - the agent will be notified only once on object creation;
  • Notify & Subscribe - the agent will always receive notifications of discussions on this object;
  • Set Responsible - agent will be notified, subscribed and set as responsible on the topic.

Tickets Notifications

Tickets have the same options to operate with notifications that could be managed in Administration » Automation & Notification.

By default, all incoming tickets would be created to notify all agents. But you can create new triggers to override the existing one behavior. 

Other Support Channels (API - Integrate with Other Applications, Twitter, Facebook)

You can use our  Restful API in order to get requests into UseResponse from 3rd party appli?ations, websites or mobile applications.

Social Networks like Facebook and Twitter can be connected in Administration » Support Channels to parse all the requests into UseResponse with the ability to reply right from your support system.

With any purchase of the self-hosted package, you get 1 year of free updates and support.

When the subscription ends, you can still use software with limitations in the backend. But if you want to get any update or require support from us, please renew the subscription at your profile or right from installed UseResponse.


P.S. After you renew the subscription, information about the license will be renewed in your installation after the system update.

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